Celebrating CSX’s Commitment to Maryland
Jun 27, 2023
Recently, CSX, a well-known transportation and logistics provider with a significant presence in Maryland, has been making headlines highlighting its substantial investments within the state. These investments demonstrate CSX’s strong commitment to Maryland’s economy, infrastructure, and community development.
One notable contribution is the recent $5 million donation to the historic Baltimore & Ohio (B&O) Railroad Museum. This contribution will support efforts to enhance the cultural heritage of the region and create community space at its Baltimore location. Another important investment is CSX’s partnership with the state of Maryland, funding the $466 million expansion of the Howard Street Tunnel. The project is expected to create numerous employment opportunities, benefiting communities across the state.
Why does CSX continue to invest in the State of Maryland? The company’s ties to Maryland date back to 1827 when the B&O Railroad, the precursor to CSX, was chartered. Since then, CSX has played an integral role in the state’s economy, facilitating connection and opportunity across local, national, and global markets – benefiting the place where it planted its roots.
The sheer volume of coal moving through the Curtis Bay Piers helps position the Port of Baltimore as the second largest exporter of coal in the country, providing the Port with access to $20 million annually in federal dredging dollars. In addition, CSX employs hundreds of Marylanders, but ultimately supports a port system of nearly 140,000 local jobs. Jobs and activity at CSX’s Curtis Bay Piers not only ensures that the Port of Baltimore has access to global markets, but it also generates approximately $3.3 billion in personal income annually.
Like many other businesses in Maryland, CSX’s ongoing investments are substantial. In fact, CSX invests more than $30 million annually in Maryland to maintain and improve around 1,500 miles of privately owned tracks and hundreds of grade crossings. These investments in upkeep help keep host communities safe and contribute to the overall growth of the Port of Baltimore and the state.
Businesses like CSX are integral to Maryland’s economy and communities, despite not always being recognized for it. Without this kind of support from the private sector, employment opportunities would significantly decline, the economy would falter, and community projects would be delayed – they are key in helping drive the state forward.
Let’s celebrate the positive impact that businesses like CSX bring to Maryland and work to foster an environment that supports their growth and success. By helping our businesses thrive, we’re helping our communities and residents do the same.
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